How to automate your call center?


Smith, Emma

Publish: Wednesday, Sep 01

Digital transformation has brought significant changes in the way we work, shop, and even relate to our environment. The fact is that technological development is advancing so fast that people, and especially companies, must adapt and implement these new processes to avoid using obsolete systems. Therefore, one of the main characteristics of digitalization is the constant search for innovation. In this context, it is important to find solutions that allow us to optimize processes and that can give us the maximum benefit.

One of the business areas where this fact acquires greater relevance is in customer service, since a quality service will allow us to increase our sales and create a relationship of trust with users. To do this, carrying out actions such as automating our call center can help us to increase productivity, both for the agents and for the company itself.

In this post we want you to know how to automate your call center through, among other solutions, systems based on Artificial Intelligence such as virtual agents, which we have talked about before.

What does call center automation consist of?

In general terms, automation uses technological tools, normally based on Artificial Intelligence, to carry out certain processes efficiently. These systems are characterized mainly because human intervention is minimal, and even in some cases, null, since they can be replaced in certain tasks that can be performed by machines in seconds. This way, they ensure that employees can devote themselves to solving other issues that require more attention, such as providing a personalized service.

The automation of a contact center, in addition to providing efficiency and saving time for agents, can bring other benefits. For example, it is possible to guarantee a continuous service 24/7. Thus, the satisfaction of your customers will increase and will improve the image they have of your company by bringing quality to the service provided, since they can receive a response at any time.

Call center automation models

Before you know what are the processes of a contact center in which it is common to use these technological tools, it is important to know that there are different types of automation. This nuance acquires a relevant role when implementing the different Artificial Intelligence systems, since depending on the process we want to automate in our contact center, the degree of human intervention will be greater or lesser. Although there are more models (such as ITPA), the two most used to automate a call center are:

    • Macros: in this case, the automation is used to carry out a specific and highly repetitive task. This type of automation, therefore, is designed to intervene in rigid processes in which changes are minimal or practically null. We could compare this model to a keyboard shortcut: a sequence of tasks is linked together so that when the corresponding action is triggered, the system begins to function. As we will see later, it is the ideal model for telemarketing campaigns, since it is possible to launch calls from the software without human interaction by means of an automatic dialer. In this way, certain activities can be programmed to free the agents, so it is not necessary for them to invest a great amount of time in the process, but simply to start it and supervise that everything is being carried out as planned.
  • RPA: stands for “Robotic Process Automation” and it is the most frequent method for automating a contact center, as it is based on the resolution of tasks that are not very qualified by virtual agents but in which certain variations are allowed (which in some cases will have to be previously configured and in others not). To give an example, let’s imagine a customer who contacts his bank to find out what the current balance of his account is. In these cases, there are several ways in which the user can make this request, and the system will recognize each of the variations and will solve it as it is a simple request. On the other hand, in the case of a more qualified request or if it does not find the answer, it will transfer the conversation to an agent.


What processes can be automated in a contact center?

Once we have established a difference between the different models of call center automation, it is worth noting that there are many processes that can be automated. However, we will provide you with a list of the most common ones:

  • Telemarketing campaigns: a telemarketing campaign is characterized by efficiency and time saving. As we have said before, the automatic dialers integrated in the call center software allow us to launch these calls in a mechanical way. Thus, it is not necessary for agents to constantly dial different phone numbers from a database, increasing efficiency and saving time.
  • Appointment management and reservations: nowadays, thanks to the rise of instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp or Telegram, it is a simple process to automate. Many people prefer to make certain arrangements through these channels rather than by call, which does not mean that it is not a means equally used in this area. Through the use of virtual agents, regardless of the medium through which the contact is made, we can automate our contact center so that a chatbot (in the case of instant messaging) or a callbot (in the case of a phone call) attends these requests.
  • Information request: again, it is the virtual agents who allow us to automate our call center, because when the user calls or writes to request information, either about the status of your order, the company itself or a particular product or service, these systems will be able to provide such basic information.
  • Conducting surveys to check the quality of service: once the interaction with customers is over, it is important to know their opinion to figure out what were the strengths and weaknesses of the conversation in order to make decisions and improve in the future. With the software, we can derive the call to an automatic system that collects information on the quality of the call.
  • Telephone collection: with the call center software that we offer in Fonvirtual, you can make collections to your customers without leaving the call. Artificial Intelligence systems intervene in the process, which will be the ones who obtain customer data and manage the collection directly with the bank. Thus, the security of the procedure is also guaranteed, as there is only human intervention to trigger the action.

Call center automation allows you to take the customer experience to the next level. By reducing waiting times, clients will have their needs met quickly. This way, in addition to providing an efficient and quality service, we will reduce the number of errors and prevent agents from being overwhelmed with simple requests that can be performed by new technologies.

At Fonvirtual we offer you different functionalities and services integrated in your call center software to speed up your customer service processes. If you want to know everything you can automate with us, do not hesitate to request information. Our team will be happy to accompany you throughout the process to get the most out of your call center.


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