The conversion rate is one of the essential indicators that we must observe when we analyse a website. It is usually defined as the percentage of people who make a purchase, i.e., if for example, out of every 100 people who enter our website, we know that 3 will make a purchase, the conversion rate will be 3%, which is why in this article we indicate the strategies to improve the conversion rate.
For service pages or longer sales processes, it is usually measured as the percentage of “leads” or interested people generated by the website, for example, if for every 100 visits received we get 3 calls, a quote request via contact form and 1 contact via whatsapp, the conversion rate will be 5%.
Improving the conversion rate is very important because if we are able to achieve it with the same effort and marketing investment we will achieve an increase in sales and improve the results of the company.
Similarly, by making our website very efficient at “catching customers” we will be able to consider investing in traffic sources that would otherwise not be profitable because now the return would be positive.
Measuring the conversion rate of our website
The first task that we must carry out if we want to increase our conversion rate is precisely to know what the rate is.
In this aspect, it is important to have an information system that allows us to know this data accurately and without losses.
Following the previous example, it can be complicated to trace in a simple way how many commercial requests we receive through calls, or how many conversations of this type via whatsapp.
That is why it is important to have a unified communications system like Fonvirtual that allows you to manage and track all these interactions from a single panel and separate customer contacts from commercial ones.
Improving the structure and including calls to action
Secondly, it is important to work on the structure and layout of the elements of our website. On the Internet there are thousands of resources on how to create the perfect page to convert and thousands of “tricks”, although in most cases it is enough to put yourself in the user’s shoes, think about what they are demanding at each step of our conversion funnel and make things easy for them.
Normally, clear websites with simple and visible calls to action usually convert quite well.
We can then go into A/B tests, user tests, etc. that allow us to refine and increase the rate even more, but a good job of thinking about this aspect will give us good results without being specialists in the field.
Increase the number of forms of contact
Thirdly, and in Fonvirtual we have experienced it with the web buttons of our clients, increasing the number of means of contact increases the number of conversions achieved by the website, as we provide the user with their preferred form of contact or more adapted to the navigation support used.
In our experience, although the percentage may vary from one website to another, it does catch the eye that there is hardly any cannibalisation between the different forms of contact.
That is, if for example we were generating 100 calls and 100 contact forms on a website and suddenly we include a chat or whatsapp, the number of calls and forms hardly decreases and is more than made up for by the new contacts via chat, making the website convert more, that is, sell more as we capture users who want an immediate response but do not want to talk on the phone.
This is also clear with our click to call, which allows us to receive calls via the web from anywhere in the world, so that we can attend to users who want to talk to us and who do not consider calling a telephone number in another country because of the costs involved.
Similarly, with the video call service, where we capture users who need to know what a product is like, or to share a screen to explain it better or to find out what an online service is like before contracting it.
Finally, it should be noted that even when we have a sales objective as in an ecommerce, the increase in forms of contact also tends to lead to an increase in sales as we can accompany the customer in real time towards the sale.
Tools that increase engagement
Having a tool that allows simple, convenient and efficient management of all interactions with the customer, whether through voice, messaging or video communication, will help us to “catch” the customer.
One of the most effective actions will be to look for strategies so that the user does not abandon the website or postpone the sale.
That is to say, clear purchase buttons and means of contact that are not asynchronous but immediate and oriented towards a greater “commitment” of the user.In this way we will prefer a videoconference or a cobrowsing session to a call, a call to a chat conversation, a chat to a whatsapp, and a whatsapp to a contact form or an email and we will therefore try to lead the user towards the most effective means.
That is why for example our chat for websites, include the functionality of switching to call, video call or cowbrosing, as the abandonment rate in these 3 media is much lower than in chat.
This way we can turn a question about a product via chat into a video conference, where we can present all its advantages to the user and obviously we will have a much better chance of closing the sale.
We make great efforts and invest a lot of money so that potential customers come to our website, get to know our products and our offer, so it is essential to have the right technology to optimise their experience on our website and improve the conversion rate.