Improve your agent's efficiency
Add the integration with Zapier® to the advanced functionalities that we offer along with the virtual PBX and the call center software.
Automate tasks
Identify automatically calls and access quickly to the client’s file to offer the best possible customer service.
Increase sales
The integration of Fonvirtual with Zapier® improves efficiency and increases the productivity of agents thanks to the automation of processes.
Integrate your virtual PBX or call center with Zapier®
Advantages of integrating Zapier® with your phone network
The integration of Zapier® and Fonvirtual offers many benefits for your business
Increases agent productivity
Linking the information of your contact center or virtual PBX with that of Zapier® facilitates the work of employees and therefore improves the productivity of agents.
Personalized assistance for each client
Zapier® allows you to recognize the origin of the call before answering the call. Also, if you don’t have the customer registered yet, you can create their profile instantly.
Sell smarter and faster
Integration with Zapier® allows you to automate business tasks, thus improving employee performance and eliminating unnecessary waiting times.
Access statistics panel
Fonvirtual telephony gives you complete call statistics. This, along with Zapier® integration, allows you to make decisions more appropriately.
Want to integrate your call center software or virtual PBX with Zapier®?
Want to know more?
Many customers have already integrated their Virtual PBX or Call center with Zapier®.
What is Zapier® ?
Zapier is service that allows you to connect different softwares within one platform in order to use all their functionalities at the same time.
What tools does it offer?
It is a system that facilitates task management thanks to the combination of different tools through the integration of applications. The association of different applications is called “Zaps”.