A Bulgarian phone number
A virtual phone number of Bulgaria of your exclusive property and without permanence. You can choose the Bulgarian city you want and if you already have a number, we take care of portability.
A professional image
Check the activity of your number in Bulgaria thanks to call records and statistics. All features at your disposal.
Make and receive calls
All calls you receive from Bulgaria will always be free and unlimited. Moreover, you will benefit from outgoing calls vouchers.
Want to know more?
Choose your Bulgarian virtual phone number
A virtual phone number from Sofia
From any region in Bulgaria
Your Bulgarian Virtual Phone Number with all the features you need
Find out the success of your company in Bulgaria thanks to detailed reports that will show you the volume of outgoing calls, received, according to the schedule, by agent, etc.
Voicemail can be set up for customers to leave a message if their calls cannot be answered. These messages will be sent by email in mp3 format with the original numbers of the callers.
Record calls
Your Bulgaria virtual phone number includes a call recording feature that allows you to analyze the quality of your company’s support internationally.
Caller ID
Caller ID will allow you to know the origin of the call, as well as the number that the customer has called to or the service they wish to speak with.
Want more features?
Discover our virtual PBX
Receive calls from Bulgaria from anywhere in the world
Receive calls on your computer
Receive calls on your cell phone
Receive calls on any device
Make outgoing calls with your Bulgarian phone number
Make calls from your Bulgarian phone number
Easy to use
Make calls for the best price
Phone Number + Features + Multiple devices + Calls
Why should you get a phone number from Bulgaria?
Bulgarian clients expect immediate attention
Bulgaria, a door to the Eastern European market
Over 7.2 million customers are waiting for you.
More than 3,000 Spanish companies already export to Bulgaria
3.000 Spanish companies already have a presence in Bulgaria and have a turnover of more than 1,170 million euros. Why not join?