A Croatia phone number
We assign you a Croatian virtual phone number or we make the portability of the existing number that you want to keep. It will be of your property, without permanence.
A professional image
Manage your calls with your Croatian number in a personalized way, thanks to greeting messages, waiting music and many other features offered by the PBX.
Make and receive calls
All calls to your Croatian number will be free of charge to you, wherever you are. You can add the outbound plan you want.
Want to know more?
Choose your Croatian virtual phone number
A virtual phone number from Zagreb
From any region in Croatia
Your Croatian Virtual Phone Number with all the features you need
Analyse the number of calls, control missed calls, calls made and calls answered, etc. Thanks to the statistics panel, you can check in detail the activity of your virtual phone number in Croatia.
If it is not possible to answer to the customer, he may leave a voice message explaining the reason for his call so that an agent can contact them later.
Record calls
The call recording feature will allow you to have access to all conversations held through your Croatia virtual phone number.
Caller ID
Indentifying the origin of your international calls will allow you to offer a quality telephone service. Contact us to learn more about how Caller ID works.
Want more features?
Discover our virtual PBX
Receive calls from Croatia from anywhere in the world
Receive calls on your computer
Receive calls on your cell phone
Receive calls on any device
Make outgoing calls with your Croatian phone number
Make calls from your Croatia phone number
Easy to use
Make calls for the best price
Phone Number + Features + Multiple devices + Calls
Why should you get a phone number from Croatia?
Croatian clients expect immediate attention
Croatia, a constantly growing market
Croatia is a small country with a developed small market economy. The country has been experiencing constant economic growth and social stability in the past years. The Croatian market is concentrated and appreciates high-quality and well-priced products.
Over 4.2 thousand customers are waiting for you.
More than 1,700 Spanish companies already export to Croatia
1,700 Spanish businesses now have ties in Croatia and make more than 319 million euros annually. Why not you?